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arsCynic, miesiąc temu do gaming w Why there are few native Linux games compared to Windows or even Mac? Because for decades Microsoft has yielded to Linux’s superiority with unethical anti-competitive behaviour. E.g., it’s hard to compete with hardware that comes pre-installed with Windows.
Because for decades Microsoft has yielded to Linux’s superiority with unethical anti-competitive behaviour. E.g., it’s hard to compete with hardware that comes pre-installed with Windows.
arsCynic, 3 miesiące temu do gaming w The Steam Autumn Sale 🎮 is over, what did everyone get? Wololo.
arsCynic, 3 miesiące temu do gaming w The Steam Autumn Sale 🎮 is over, what did everyone get? Nothing, so I got more time. 🏆
Nothing, so I got more time. 🏆