Like, how long did it take them to adopt broadband technology on their consoles? The Wii?
While I agree they’re behind the times on their consoles re online, I think it’s more a software issue. I don’t think criticising the hardware functionality is quite fair.
The predecessor to the Wii was the Gamecube which came out in 2001, where few people had broadband internet
The other consoles in that generation were the ps2, xbox, and briefly dreamcast. Of those, only the xbox came with built in networking, until the playstation slim release in 2004. The dreamcast, ps2 and Gamecube all offered additional adapters to provide ethernet (and the dreamcast and Gamecube had dial up modems available too). So the Gamecube was in line with most of the competition.
The Wii had out of the box WiFi (and an adapter for ethernet available) which put it in a similar space to its competitors. Only the ps3 had both WiFi and ethernet out of the box at launch. The 360 only had ethernet until a refresh that added WIFI. And the Wii was also coming in at a significantly lower price point.
If the cause of this is because of Cyberpunk then that’s ridiculous. It’d be like Steam deleting cloud saves because someone’s Half Life save file got too big… It’s their own game, marketplace and ecosystem.
Blast from the past! I had this on cdrom. As a child I remember our old computer that had Sim City 2000 on didn’t have a cdrom drive. Our new computer did. I fondly remember copying my favourite cities from the old to new via floppy disk. Those were the days!
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