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TotallyNotSpezUpload, 2 miesiące temu (edited 2 miesiące temu) do games w What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? angielski It’s great.
It’s great.
TotallyNotSpezUpload, 2 miesiące temu do games w What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? angielski Everspace for 99 Cents. :)
Everspace for 99 Cents. :)
TotallyNotSpezUpload, 2 miesiące temu do games w What game surprised you with their length? angielski GTA IV actually, not even counting the two huge DLCs, just the base game alone.
GTA IV actually, not even counting the two huge DLCs, just the base game alone.
TotallyNotSpezUpload, 3 miesiące temu do games w What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA? angielski Does BMX count? If not, I’m going for a Sabre, preferrably in green colour.
Does BMX count? If not, I’m going for a Sabre, preferrably in green colour.
TotallyNotSpezUpload, 4 miesiące temu do games w Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? angielski I recommend playing the quest “The whispering Hillock” before persuing the Bloody Baron’s questline. It will make things slightly less depressing. Also, always support Ciri in her decisions and gather the whole crew before the siege of Kaer Morhen.
I recommend playing the quest “The whispering Hillock” before persuing the Bloody Baron’s questline. It will make things slightly less depressing. Also, always support Ciri in her decisions and gather the whole crew before the siege of Kaer Morhen.
TotallyNotSpezUpload, 5 miesięcy temu do games w What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game? angielski Story: II / Brotherhood / Revelations Character: III / Rogue Setting: Black flag
Story: II / Brotherhood / Revelations
Character: III / Rogue
Setting: Black flag
TotallyNotSpezUpload, 7 miesięcy temu do games w One of my favourite games in my childhood angielski Desperados 3 made last Xmas much more enjoyable for me. ^^
Desperados 3 made last Xmas much more enjoyable for me. ^^