Hello guys, I’ve noticed a lot of people here are hungry for more games like the Stanley Parable. After playing the O.G. game and the Deluxe edition I’ve found myself wanting more of this. More of these meta, narrator led, weird humour games! I started work on my called Do Not Press The Button (To Delete The Multiverse). You can check it on Steam and give a wishlist if you want to encourage the development.
Anyway the other day I’m randomly checking Steam Most Wishlisted games and DNPTB is on there! How wild is that?
For context the game is called […steampowered.com/…/Do_Not_Press_The_Button_To_De…](Do Not Press The Button) and a wishlist would be greatly appreciated. I’m currently working hard on it and I would say that it’s 99% done, but I like to joke that rest of the work (polishing and bug fixing) is another 99%
But please don’t spend money on my previous games, I recognize that they aren’t that good I don’t want to burden anyone financially with them (I loved every minute of making them, but I was still a noob back then).
I can’t even begin to understand how hard it is to make it on Twitch. I assume probably the top 1000 streamers make the real money and the rest 99,5% probably make like $50 per month…
Yes, their cut is 30% which is a lot, but they are pretty much the only big platform out there. Epic games has been trying to get in the game but so far they are not close. Their cut is 15%.