Sit down with them on their new gaming machine and sign them up for Steam or GOG. While they are doing that, slyly buy Steam or GOG credits on your phone and gift them to your buddy. Have your buddy go through the automated recommendations and gently inform your buddy whether a game is worth their time or not. And then watch as they add games to their wishlist thinking that they are going to pay a bunch for it.
I mean, they will eventually. No one in the MPCR escapes spending a fortune on their wishlist.
Thank you. That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. I stopped watching or subscribingg to anything other than Funhaus and now I am not vibing with the new set. Culture begets culture until you change it for the better.
Everyone, calm down. I am better than all of you anyway so shoo along. Go somewhere else while I sit here. Majestically. Admiring how brilliant I am in conflict resolution. Veritable peace maker, I is. Why, the UN should call me…hello? Uh. Where’d yall go?
Hang on. You are telling me that schooling, parenting, and growing up in a community contributed to MY knowledge. And that, magically, will influence my art? Nonsense! I am a conduit for God.
Ghost of Tsushima: narrative masterpiece, evokes the sensibilities of a time and place, despite (very) infrequent frame stuttering–particularly if there are large crowds. F-