Aren’t layoffs the norm for the games industry? You hire a bunch of people to make your new AAA title. A few years later, the game is out and the bugs are fixed, and now you don’t need all these employees anymore. Rinse and repeat when you’re ready to make the next AAA title.
Not defending the practice, but developers shouldn’t be surprised when they’re laid off after the company deems that they’re no longer needed.
The sad thing was that CoD Mobile was the last decent game in the series. Just think about that for a moment: a freaking cell phone game is better than any CoD title to come out on actual gaming systems in practically a decade.
Don’t worry I don’t bother with all that shit. I practice by playing deathmatch. I just want to be good enough to stay out of silver this time around. That’s enough for me.
Been playing casual. Doing a lot better than I thought I would. So now I’m wondering if I’m better than I thought, or if casual matchmaking is skill-based as well.
They should have called it CS: Source 2, then. The game hasn’t changed enough to be considered a sequel. They made the same amount of improvements to this one as they always have in the last. Doesn’t make sense to call it a full-blown sequel.
They probably figured that if Blizzard could get away with calling it Overwatch 2, despite being the same game, they probably could too.
So do you think the game is worth getting back into now, or should I just give up all hope at ever being half decent at this game?
Last time I played was in 2014. Started as a Silver I, and worked my way up to Gold 1. I was never a competent player. I feel like if I try to get back into it now, the game will just be full of the same old players from past CS titles and I’ll still stand zero chance of ever getting gud. Or do you think the sequel will bring in enough new players that I might do alright?
Good. Can’t wait to destroy noobs in multiplayer a second time around (before they practice and get better than me like what happened the first time the game was released.)
Yeah that’s what I’m saying. Furthermore, if you want a high framerate (120+ FPS) and no-compromise ray tracing, you’re going to have to spend way more than $500. The PS5 is an extremely good value for what you get.