He’s one of the first hard tests. You just gotta keep throwing yourself at him until it clicks. I went the other way and did Lady Butterfly which had its own pain. You have to play aggressively. Hesitation is defeat and all of that
I’ve really enjoyed playing Tails of Iron (metroidvania with a focus on learning bosses attacks) lately. For programming games, I really liked Shenzhen IO (You create hardware with something resembling an Assembly language and a printable manual) and Human Resources Machine (drag and drop assembly programming)
I also have a soft spot for anything from Ska Studios (I maed a game with zombies in it, salt and sanctuary, salt and sacrifice, dishwasher, Charlie murder, and a bunch of older games that are probably not playable anymore)
Also looks like everyone else forgot to mention the great game that is Undertale as well.
For anyone confused about the Netflix bit. If you’re subscribed to Netflix, they offer a bunch of free mobile games that you can download and play. This works pretty similar to Apple Arcade. If you log into Netflix on your phone you should see a row of games that you can play.