I played the 3 CD OG Age of Empires III with my brothers as a kid. It was great. We rigged up Hamachi to create a private network and manually edited some AoE config files with our Hamachi IP addresses to be able to have LAN coop sessions. Half the session was getting everything installed and working.
Now it’s even easier and we play regularly, decades later.
I never finished Zero Dawn but I’m about 40 hours in. Combat mechanics are wonderful. Doesn’t get boring for me. But the design of quests being numerous “run 3km this way, find a thing, get out” grows old.
I’ll pick it up again later down the road and finish it eventually.
A bit before my manufacture date but as a kid there used to be CD ROMs in cereal boxes which had games like Tonka, Hot Wheels, Timon and Pumba, Rainbow Fish, etc. Those were hype.