I still need to play odyssey. I’m ashamed to admit when it first launched I was young and stuck in a mindset that “older AC games better. RPG AC games bad”.
But I played Origins and then Valhalla while waiting on Mirage (Which I also need to play). I personally enjoyed the older games more, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the RPG titles and want to give odyssey a shot soon. Probably once it goes on sale on Steam
I agree, It’s really easy to have fun just wandering around with friends. I especially really enjoy bumping into Sea Forts and Skeleton Ships (though all my friends have an aversion to risk and adventure).
The graphics pair really nicely with the OST too. Really makes you feel like a pirate on the sea
Go for it. I mostly started this as a way to share my growing collection of video game screenshots (I like to take a LOT of screenshots of my games, especially when I have a photo mode). But if anyone else wants to join in they’re welcome too. I’d love too see other people’s screenshots. Especially because I tend to focus on scenery
I love your shot of Sully. I try to focus on mostly scenery so it’s cool to see a well done portrait shot like that. I love the last one too. It has the same vibes as the main menu of the first three