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Lemvi, rok temu do games w Fuck Ubisoft. angielski Of all the shit Ubisoft does, not selling on steam is the dealbreaker? Alright.
Of all the shit Ubisoft does, not selling on steam is the dealbreaker? Alright.
Lemvi, rok temu do gaming w What are some good games that have a bad reputation due to unreasonable expectations? I really enjoyed Watch_Dogs, despite the shit it got at the time.
I really enjoyed Watch_Dogs, despite the shit it got at the time.
Lemvi, rok temu do gaming w Best chiptune/gaming-inspired music? Not exactly like the ones you oncluded, but I really like this one: Challenger - Lemmino
Not exactly like the ones you oncluded, but I really like this one: Challenger - Lemmino