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DogPeePoo, 2 miesiące temu do gaming w Now what? <<turns console back off>> <<grabs photo album full of feet 🦶 pics>>
<<turns console back off>>
<<grabs photo album full of feet 🦶 pics>>
DogPeePoo, 3 miesiące temu do gaming w NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’ Jesus Christ NBC is so out of touch. National Boomer Corporation 🦚
Jesus Christ NBC is so out of touch. National Boomer Corporation 🦚
DogPeePoo, 5 miesięcy temu do gaming w What more could we possibly ask for? angielski <Waits patiently for emergence from ducking> <Delivers audible Oddjob slap 👋>
<Waits patiently for emergence from ducking>
<Delivers audible Oddjob slap 👋>