Do you really? Dang, I’m so jealous. I still have my original discs for I and II, at least. Yeah, my brother and I loved those as well. My dad worked in IT for EDS at the time, and got some old laptops on the cheap. So, I remember my brother and I laying on the living room floor, playing BZ facing each other over the IR ports. We started implementing gentleman’s agreements, like no killing scavengers and no attacking your opponent’s base for 30 minutes. It became a cold war game, where we would max out our units, and just spy on each other. Maybe send a single fighter over to poke at defenses. Then, I’d send over the mass of APCs I was hiding away from my base, and just annihilate everything.
And BZII had such a great mod scene! We loved XMod. We’d always say no nukes, but we always made them anyway.
1999 was such an amazing year in my gaming life. Rollercoaster Tycoon, Mechwarrior 3, Battlezone II, and Unreal Tournament. So, so many hours of my life spent in those. That was like, 5 years ago, right?