Found a Chinese video torrenting website angielski
Not sure if it trustworthy or not but it have decent listing on there…
Not sure if it trustworthy or not but it have decent listing on there…
Pneuma, angielski Wow thank you for reminding me this site exists!
dhmy has been around for quite some time. Probably been around longer than a good chunk of the folks here even. I have some stuff downloaded from them dating back to like 2003, albeit at the time.
While I cannot vouch for the validity of the contents hosted there now since I haven’t been to the site for over a decade, if I have to look for something in this niche area I would definitely be willing to use the site. If anything I don’t think the domains have changed hands since.
mark7869, angielski how did you found that out?
dingus, (edited ) angielski I have the recent Chinese version of Three Body downloaded but I haven’t watched it yet. I heard it’s quite good.
Kerfuffle, angielski It’s fairly entertaining but you really have to suspend disbelief. I’d call it fantasy with some sci-fi jargon more than actual sci-fi. I guess I could say overall plot doesn’t make a lot of sense but scenery on the way isn’t too hard on the eyes.
Just curious, to you speak Mandarin?
dingus, angielski No I managed to find what I assume are English fansubs.
Kerfuffle, angielski Ah, I see. I was going to recommend you a link to the audiobooks that I found.
I managed to find what I assume are English fansubs.
It was on Amazon Prime’s streaming service for a while so there should be official subs at least floating around.
dingus, angielski Ah, then maybe hopefully they’re the official subs!
moralesformiles, angielski Tencent also put the whole thing on YouTube for free with English subs. But of course YouTube audio maxes out at 128kbps stereo.
Kerfuffle, angielski That certainly sucks all the joy out of pirating it.
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