ninjan, angielski That is a pretty substantial subscription base, no wonder it’s profitable even if it at times feels like a really good deal. Like now when Starfield launched on Game Pass.
lustrum, (edited ) angielski Yeah the maths starts to add up. (There are some assumptions below, but you get the jist).
- The Xbox One had a software attach rate of 7 gamers per console^1 sold or on average that’s 1 game per year per user for the life of the console.
- In the Xbox One generation over 8 years they sold 0.875 games per user per year. Assume £50 a game. That’s £43 per xbox console owner per year.
- Per gamepass subscriber they’re currently recieving £90+ in subscriptions per year.
muddybulldog, angielski There is a significant number of GP subscribers that don’t pay nearly that much, if anything at all.
I passively accumulate enough MS Rewards points each year to not have to pay for GPU just by using Bing for search.
lustrum, angielski Right but even if you half the number it’s still only on par with last generation with significantly more room to grow and predictable income.
Xanvial, angielski Isn’t gamepass subscribers count already stagnated? It was 25m in January 2022,…/xbox-game-pass-subscriber-count-gl….
robbieIRL, angielski I like that you said “significant number” and your example was one person, you.
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