Mr_Buscemi, avatar

Lmfao holy crap I thought my friend was joking about this.

I at least now understand why this meme was made.


My only issue is that the TH keys aren’t available as rewards anymore. But at least the challenges are a challenge again instead of 2 minutes work.

Just more bellyaching from a pampered fanbase.


Pampered? Maybe.

But Jagex really has gone in deep with the MTX and gambling in RS3. OSRS isn’t perfect but if you look at the games side by side it’s in a different league entirely, with the only ‘MTX’ being the membership and bonds which are just membership that can be used for game time or to sell to other players for coins (those players can then use bonds for game time or name changes etc.).

If OSRS got a battle pass the community would revolt.


I’ve never spent a penny on mtx


This is for rs3 right? No one plays that shit anyway, 2007scape is where it’s at


Yes. OSRS reviews on steam are still listed as very positive.


Idk why you’d ever play it on RuneScape, it’s like nearly unplayable without Runelite.


I wouldn’t say unplayable, maybe less convenient? I get what you mean though

example: why play CG on hdos or the steam client when I can use runelite and have c engineer tell me “2…1… mage/range” every few seconds for easier cycles lol


I’ve only ever watched people like Settled play the game but is tile marking even a thing in the base client?

Because I feel without that it’s a whole lot more than just less convenient


Nope, and I mean it’s actually unplayable without Runelite. They other guy is missing out a lot of details, even simple stuff like increasing the render distance and using GPU rendering.


You’re exaggerating. That’s the point he was making.

The official client is totally playable. Lots of people use it. RuneLite is just a lot more modern and expanded.


I’ve actually never met a single person who uses the official client, it has so many things that are just required to play. Sure you can click and move like normal, but you’re missing a massive amount of essential information and QoL features.


Remember kids, casuals, and people on mobile, plenty of the player base doesn’t use runelite but also doesn’t base their personality around a game from 2002 and talk about it all the time so you’d never know. I’ve played for nearly 20 years but almost never talk about it online and absolutely not in person. I’ve used runelite for a lot of that time but in the 00s I was on the browser with everyone else and played a fuckload perfectly fine


Uh yeah and the game today is very different then it was in the 00s. As much as I wish I was a 10 year old mindlessly killing goblins all day for next to no experience, people optimize their exp/hr nowadays, and that requires Runelite. Mobile is good for when you want to do woodcutting while on the toilet though.


YOU min/max your xp/hr, not everyone. Some of us just enjoy fishing on karamja and chatting or chopping some trees and talking shit in draynor or making deals at the GE. So many people that have gone into min/max mode assume that everyone does the same barrows run with them 40 times a day when that isn’t the case, the majority of us don’t care about 2/3 tick this or that or best t-bow drop rates, we just enjoy the game whatever way we want to enjoy it


I definitely don’t think you speak for the majority here.


As a casual off-and-on player of this game for at least 19 years, I’m not opposed to this battle pass. It replaces the “must play 7-days-a-week to get max rewards” task system with one that gives you freedom to play when and how you want.

Too early for me to give an informed opinion on whether the rewards of the pass are worthwhile, but I’m a fan of the intent behind it at least!

50gp, (edited )

looks like there are few reasons for the outrage

  1. they deleted daily challenges which were reworked like a year ago and replaced it with this worse implementation (these gave lots of xp, not anymore)
  2. this is the main content update for the month?
  3. they promised to listen for feedback, but in true jagex fashion they ignore all mtx related feedback
  4. battle pass comes with buffs for some content which may spiral out of control as time goes on
  5. the game has sub fee, loot boxes, store and a battle pass which is fuckton of monetisation for less content updates than 10 years ago
  6. battle pass is LONG grind to get everything, and its probably limited time only
Alto, avatar

Sorry, you don't see the issue of a paid battle pass in a game that already has a paid subscription model?


AAA games: sweating profusely


Jagex running afoul of the player base? Is it Wednesday again?



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