Lol I wouldn’t want to go up against Baldur’s Gate 3, either. They need to take this time to tighten things up, and let things cool down for a while. They’re competing for the same fans, so it would be a death sentence to release in the near future.
Delay as long as you need, just please release a good game. I loved the first game, and while I felt DA2 was a step back, I still enjoyed it. DA3 felt too… MMO-y to me.
It’s such an amazing world to play in, I really hope the 4th installment isn’t garbage.
Totally agree about the DA series. Can’t say I have very high hopes for this one, given the direction they’ve taken the franchise, but I’d love to be wrong.
I think at this point the best plan is to mash all the assets together and release Dragon Effect. Mass Dragon? No, that sounds like maybe a Catholic dragon. Mass Age? No, people will buy it expecting a massage. Maybe subvert all expectations and go with Age Effect! We’ll throw out all the magic and aliens, it’ll be a harrowing exploration of human mortality.
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