The dice bead is just tactile. It could be used as a begleri if I had another one and set them up as one, but it would probably be too heavy - at least for my play preference
On Lemmy, sadly there’s not too many yet. I’m personally working on getting !idlehands (general skill toy and fidget community) and !begleri going, and there’s also !begleri
I mainly participate on Instagram, since that seems to have the most contributors begleri community wise. I can link awesome people to follow, if you’re on instagram
There’s a few Discord servers that are active too, a begleri one and an Aroundaquare one. I can get you links later on if you like
In terms of resources for learning: has a lot of tutorials, trick database, and trick index, plus a good intro on vernacular
TGP posts a lot of good begleri videos, though he doesn’t go super into them as a tutorial, but it’s good for quickly seeing a lot of different tricks for inspiration
And as much as I hate to link it, the begleri subreddit does have some good info too
I got my first set in 2018, and stopped for a bit because I wasn’t really getting anywhere with it. For me what made a difference when I picked it back up again in 2021 was trying different physical combinations: bead shapes and weights, cord diameters, joiner lengths, etc. as well as finding a few clips online and downloading it to my phone so I could put it in slow motion and try to replicate it. It’s also a lot easier to learn if you’re just sat on a bed or carpeted floor or something similar. With dropping it, you’re just right there it’s a lot less frustrating when you don’t have to crouch down every two seconds to try again and it’s a lot easier to adjust the timing and whatnot when the attempts are closer together - I think I learnt at least half of the tricks I know being sat outside on the grass during a nice day. I would also recommend just having a set with you and doing rebounds when you have a chance, because getting a feel for how the momentum is carried will really help with getting the timing for other tricks