Praziquantel for humans is a medication that treats infections by parasitic worms like schistosomiasis. This infection is caused by flatworms (fluke). These worms live in bodies of water and can enter through your skin.
Steam takes forever to start (5-10s) on AMD ryzen 9 7950x, it’s not automatically started on boot. Closing also takes a few seconds. Could that be due to sloppy programming? I am a programmer myself.
I just browsed through the top 100 posts or so here and you guys have amazong stuff that I’ve often didn’t ever seen in my life but nobody has a phone or a USB drive. I feel like this community is from 50 years ago. Or is there an actual reason?
From Russia to Hungary to, now, Donald Trump’s America, a rising authoritarianism plays on an atavistic European hatred. We live in the Soros Age of Anti-Semitism....
W Lidl Polska codziennie wypełniamy naszą misję: zapewnianie społeczeństwu produktów spożywczych i najpotrzebniejszych artykułów wysokiej jakości, w niskich, lidlowych cenach, wyprodukowanych w sposób zrównoważony. Dbamy o ich jakość i wpływ naszych produktów na zdrowie, zapobiegamy marnowaniu żywności,...
havent played in years but a friend told me so i was wondering how much has changed? for example, is bullet sponging gone and is it as customisable as the mods now