Good gaming blogs/RSS feeds? angielski
I’m looking for good video game blogs to follow via RSS. One I found recently that I’m liking is
I’m looking for good video game blogs to follow via RSS. One I found recently that I’m liking is
Hello, Anyone know is there a plain and simple site like available for Western media? Like with just community made batches, fan subs, different dubs, etc. Thanks
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What’s your favorite interface in adventure games? Doesn’t necessarily have to be the most perfect or easy to use; just the one that you’re the most partial to....
Hello all! pretty much title. I know absolutely nothing about recording stuff / screengrabs. What is the best practice to record a video from Currently dualbooting linux and windows, so I can use any tool required.
I’ve been watching Superman & Lois which is recently currently airing, but I’m a few episodes behind and can’t seem to find a good source for new episodes. The last 3 episodes I see as released on June 14, 21, and 28 (upcoming) so I assume that I should see streams for the first two - or is this normal?...
Would ask this on a LinuxCrackSupport community. Without it, the best choice is here, as i didnt buy the game on steam....
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Hello Everyone!...
The Steam Next Fest has started for the next 6 days you get to play demo’s of unreleased games. What games are you playing or planning to play?...
I’ve tried asking there, but whenever I post my messages get removed so hopefully I can get some help here. I am trying to make a “not crack” for Fifa 23. I’ve obtained a denuvo ticket from one of the uploaders, and added it to my anadius.cfg file. I then changed fifa23_fixed.exe to fifa23.exe that was also uploaded...
I am looking to save all the music I like on hardisks due to the recent closure of rarbg which was a wake up call “unless you save it you don’t own it”. So if anyone knows a way to download playlists instead of each single song I will be thankful!
Codziennie jeżdżę do pracy rowerem i tak jak chyba większość rowerzystów, przejeżdżam pasy (bez ścieżki rowerowej, tak, wiem, że jestem przestępcą). Większość kierowców chyba to ignoruje, bo w końcu mniej czekają niż kiedy, według prawa, zejdę z roweru i przejdę pasy pieszo. W cywilizowanych krajach, jak...
Cześć wam. Może ktoś wie, jak się tu szuka osoby do obserwowania?
Zeszłej nocy międzymiastowa ekipa Food Not Bombs znów pomagała przy przejściu granicznym w Medyce. Mogliśmy pomóc nie tylko wydając jedzenie, lecz również przy kwestiach organizacyjnych, rozpalaniu koksowników i zapewniając opiekę medyczną (pojawiły się przypadki hipotermii). Trzeba podkreślić, że cała akcja...