“Zamiast przywrócić normalne umowy o pracę, czyni się je coraz mniej atrakcyjnymi finansowo. Oczywiście skorzysta na tym głównie prawdziwy beneficjent, czyli średni i wielki biznes, który będzie miał potulną siłę roboczą na śmieciówkach w postaci fikcyjnych JDG, wyjętą spod ochrony kodeksu pracy....
In collaboration with Astro Alexandra (who I had not heard of), SciShow just released a video on upcoming telescopes. They don’t go into too much detail on each one, but the video gives a nice overview.
You're Watching The Official 4k Video Of Weapon Of Choice by Fatboy Slim Arguably Fatboy Slim’s most famous music video of all time, Weapon Of Choice featur...
This shout-out filled episode features Matt Costello on the curious craft of writing for games. A prolific novelist, his career spans the length of our industry, from the genre-defining 7th Guest to huge hits like Disney Universe and DOOM3. A peek behind the Curtain of a lesser known, but fundamental aspect of #gamedev
Varda Space Industries’ spacecraft, W-1, successfully landed at the Utah Test and Training Range on February 21, 2024. This marks the first time a commercial company has landed a spacecraft on United States soil....