Old World - Pharaohs of the Nile | Announcement Trailer (www.youtube.com) angielski
Closure - Puny Human (punyhuman.com) angielski
A letter to our fans and friends...
Browser games you have burned a lot of time on? angielski
Personally I’ve played a hell of a lot of HexArena. Just a simple, low intensity game that runs well and is maintained :))...
Kingpin reloaded - najbardziej leniwy remaster? 3 lata czekania na nic. (www.youtube.com)
3D Realms pokazało nam zwiastun Kingpin: Reloaded. 3 lata ciszy, żeby zobaczyć, że remaster NICZYM nie różni się od oryginału....
How does the upcoming Playdate game "Diora" accomplish its beautiful, high-performance 3D visuals? (dioragame.com) angielski
via social.panic.com/