The FTC said Epic Games duped players with "deceptive interfaces" that could trigger purchases while the game loaded, and accused it of having default settings that breached people's privacy....
Saber Interactive has announced it's ending development of last year's Evil Dead: The Game - meaning no new content will be produced and the planned Switch version is now cancelled....
It's honestly a little endearing how hard Call of Duty's various studios continue to try and make its lore and characters matter. After the big reveal that Modern Warfare 3 would be bringing back classic villain Makarov - despite him not being anywhere in the story of the reboots, all bets were off....
UK regulatory body the Competition and Markets Authority is reportedly preparing to share its preliminary judgement on Microsoft's revised Activision Blizzard deal next week....
Microsoft says it is currently debating using ARM64 or AMD Zen 6 architecture for the CPU. Note that the Xbox Series X uses a custom Zen 2 CPU, while Zen 4 is used in present-day laptops and desktops. Microsoft appears to be leaning towards an AMD Navi 5x (RDNA 5) GPU compared to RDNA 3 for the current-generation Radeon RX 7000...
This post is about the current arguements taking place in the post called “Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod”...