Mario + Rabbids creative director wants to make a new Rayman game ( angielski
Microsoft eyes closing its giant Activision Blizzard deal next week ( angielski
Redfall doesn’t have enough Steam players to fill a team ( angielski
Warszawska 'dwójka' KO (Zieloni) sugeruje zerwanie umowy na atom (
Urszula Zielińska (Zieloni/KO) zapowiada, że w ciągu pierwszych stu dni od przejęcia władzy odbędzie się audyt ekonomicznej opłacalności umowy z USA na budowę elektrowni atomowej – sugeruje, że OZE jest tańszym rozwiązaniem. Jej słowa są sprzeczne z postulatami Koalicji.
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Patch #13: Class Overhaul ( angielski
Obsidian's Josh Sawyer jokes that he's waiting for a call from Microsoft to make 'Pillars of Eternity 3. But I don't want it to be a joke. ( angielski
Agent 64: Spies Never Die - Official Trailer | Realms Deep 2023 ( angielski
Mirror's Edge - Rainy Mod Project ( angielski
Why PlayStation Fans Are Cheering CEO’s Departure ( angielski
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty — Official Launch Trailer ( angielski
Opowiadajmy sobie historię ruchów (
Generalnie Wrocław, który przez lata był jasnym miejscem aktywizmu w tym kraju, ma od dawna problem z chwaleniem się tymi działaniami. Nie po to, żeby wyłącznie pękać z dumy, ale żeby jeszcze bardziej inspirować inne osoby....
Destiny 2 is “broken” as enemies completely stop fighting ( angielski
EVE Galaxy Conquest Is a New Mobile 4X Strategy Game Set in the EVE Online Universe - IGN ( angielski
EVE Online has featured several of the biggest PvP battles in gaming history, but it only lets you fly one ship at a time. Set in the same universe but from a very different perspective, EVE Galaxy Conquest is a multiplayer 4X strategy game that puts you in command of your own outpost and an entire fleet....
You'll Have To Wait At Least Two Years For A Faster Steam Deck ( angielski
Payday 3. I knew it... ( angielski
I did the Payday 3 beta. It threw up a LOT of red flags about the matchmaking system. I made a post reviewing the game where I basically said that if I were smart, I wouldn't be getting the game because based on the beta, matchmaking was going to be busted on release....
Bluey's getting a four-player video game adaptation in November ( angielski
Bluey, the Australian cartoon sensation (seriously, it's great and you should give it a watch even if you're not actually five years old), is being turned into a video game that's coming to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and PC on 17th November this year....
Need for Speed developer Criterion to focus on Battlefield ( angielski
Criterion, the British studio behind recent Need for Speed titles and the classic Burnout series, will now focus the majority of its efforts on EA's Battlefield shooter franchise....
Persona 3 Reload | Third trailer ( angielski
Diablo 4 continues to walk back changes from its fiendishly unpopular 1.1 patch, boosting XP gain on World Tiers 3 and 4 ( angielski
In the lead-up to Diablo 4's first season back in July, the game received a patch that was universally unpopular. That feels like an understatement—the community revolt was fierce enough to cause an honest-to-Lilith emergency broadcast where the devs stated: "we don't plan on doing a patch like this ever again"....
Spider-Man 2 will let you bump into the other Spider-Man ( angielski
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 players may bump into Peter or Miles during their adventures in New York, developer Insomniac Games has revealed....
Xbox Game Pass made $230 million revenue in one month, most users pay for full subscriptions ( angielski
Unity reportedly considering cap on hugely controversial per-install fees ( angielski
A week after Unity announced dramatic changes to its Unity Engine business model - drawing immediate and widespread condemnation from the development community - the company has reportedly told staff it'll be making adjustments to the controversial new pricing plan....
Czy afera wizowa będzie miała wpływ na notowania PiS, czy nie? [United Surveys] (
EGDF: Unity’s Install Fees Are a Sign of Looming Game Engine Market Failure ( angielski
Context: EGDF is the European Games Developer Federation. The article suggests that Unity’s actions create an anti-competitive environment and that the EU should step in....