The sequel to well-received underwater survival game Subnautica will be a live service game with both multiplayer and single player adventures. The news was revealed by indie developer Krafton and has…
In Star Trek: Section 31, Yeoh will reprise her role as Emperor Philippa Georgiou – a character she played in Star Trek: Discovery’s first season – who joins a secret division of Starfleet. Tasked with protecting the United Federation of Planets, she also must face the sins of her past....
Science fiction, when revisited years later, sometimes doesn’t come across as all that fictional. Speculative novels have an impressive track record at prophesying what innovations are to come, and how they might upend the world: H. G. Wells wrote about an atomic bomb decades before World War II, and Ray Bradbury’s 1953...
Capable of receiving both radio frequency and optical signals, the DSN’s hybrid antenna has tracked and decoded the downlink laser from DSOC, aboard NASA’s Psyche mission.
Kuba i Arek omawiają nowe unijne prawo do naprawy, krytykę Apple za ich posunięcia w związku z aktem o rynkach cyfrowych UE. Ujawniamy także nasze fundacyjne postępy w nowym projekcie o nazwie Rentgendroid.
Trudno o bardziej niejednoznaczną premierę gry. Helldivers II na pecetach sprzedaje się świetnie i przyciąga mnóstwo graczy, którzy z kolei krytykują jej liczne błędy. 🫤