So I really am the cancer on this platform ( angielski
Noticed I got banned by the admins from shower thoughts yesterday. The admins have an interesting reason though....
Noticed I got banned by the admins from shower thoughts yesterday. The admins have an interesting reason though....
I’m sitting in a dark hotel room on the eve of my first - and possibly only - total solar eclipse, with my partner and step-son, and I am positively awash with emotions....
Francis Ford Coppola screened his latest film to major studio heads, hoping for mainstream distribution and a big marketing campaign. Reactions were not great....
Netflix is now streaming a sci-fi tearjerker that fans of the dystopian movie Children of Men need to check out.
Pokazywano je jako zafiksowane introwertyczki z problemami, stereotypowo nieatrakcyjne i samotne. I wtedy cała na biało weszła ona - Gillian Anderson jako doktor Dana Scully. Twórcy 'Z archiwum X' nie zdawali sobie sprawy, jak wpłyną na rzeczywistość.
"EXIT" -- Export Across Instances Tool...
Westworld co-creator Jonathan Nolan has vowed to "finish the story" they had planned before HBO abruptly cancelled the series.
W obwodzie królewieckim w Rosji wybuchł pożar na pokładzie rosyjskiego okrętu wojennego — informuje w poniedziałek ukraiński portal Suspilne. Według niego była to operacja wywiadu wojskowego Ukrainy (HUR).
Notowania złota mają za sobą spektakularną serię wzrostów: w ostatnich tygodniach ceny kruszcu regularnie ustanawiają nowe rekordy. Początek tego tygodnia przyniósł kolejne szczyty. Eksperci jednak zastanawiają się, czemu akurat teraz złoto błyszczy i kto stoi za zakupami tego szlachetnego metalu.
You will, having seen Bertrand Bonello’s new film, The Beast, walk away feeling as though you certainly saw something, but what? Ambitious, maddeningly vague,
Barbara Rush, who has died aged 97, was a poised, versatile actress who enjoyed a long Hollywood career, winning a Golden Globe in 1953 for New Star of the Year before becoming soap royalty via ABC’s influential Peyton Place (1964-69).
In the words of the Mayor of Copenhagen, for Christiania to exist, drug dealing and clashes have to stop. Residents have taken initiative.
Good morning, last week we managed to address pressing issues related to infrastructure. Thank you once again for your assistance, Piotr. I will continue work in this area, but it will be less invasive and cumbersome. I have restored the test environments and am slowly getting back into coding....
After Ed Dwight lost out on becoming the first Black astronaut, he carved out a celebrated later career as a sculptor
A sustainable lifestyle is possible – but it's a "trial and error" process. Tara Okeke talks to the people aiming to lead zero-waste lifestyles.
After years of research, Professor Mallett claims to have finally developed the revolutionary equation for time travel.
So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were “fakes.”...
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