And just to actually add something:
Halo Masterchief Collection,
Friends vs Friends (you actually do need friends for this one its kinda dead but fun as hell),
Unreal Tournament 2004 (large private server scene),
Any entry in the Quake series really.
Lmao shoot your own foot I guess. People will buy 3rd party instead of official when the prices get too high. It was already nearly as much as a AAA title to get a single controller.
Gridworld - a simulation game made up of a grid, as the name suggests. You can control the size of the grid, and what spawns in it. The core of the game are these tiny creatures that each take up 1 square. They have varying nodes on them that represent traits and abilities. Under the hood the game says these have to be “wired” correctly by the neural network to make a creature act right. So basically you let this thing run for hours and eventually get little square creatures that eat plants and maybe each other to live.
Great! If its rough it means you’re learning! I’ll check it out. Dont forget. Those skills are transferable* so the next time Unity decides to back charge for every download you can jump ship without much worry. Just focus on the design, take what you can in abstract, and you’ll just keep getting better.
The first one was really hard to look at. I’m not a “graphix makez thuh game” kinda person but that one was out there. Really the only thing that needed to be fixed was portal placement. I found they were way weird and unintuitive when all I really wanted was for them to work like Portal.
On a more serious note its really fun and easy. If you’re nervous watch a few YouTube videos or take one of those online courses at that just shows you around and how it works.