I remeber playing Jedi fallen order and seeing ships being broken down like that during the opening mission. I thought that I would rather be doing that and then hardspace showed up on steam a few days later. It’s been on my wish list for way too long, definitely going to pick it up for my next game
They only have to target a single hardware configuration, the os has much less overhead than a typical desktop os, a graphics api that runs closer to the metal (also why the ps5 outperforms the more powerful series x) and some good development tools all go a long way to boosting the performance of the hardware.
I have an r5 3600 with an rtx 2070 and would not be surprised if the ps5 performs better with multiplatform titles.
There was nothing wrong with the gamefaqs model, not every game needs or deserves a fully fleshed out wiki. Wikis are great if you want to know more about a game universe and its characters but are pretty awful as walkthroughs.