Im still preparing myself mentaly to jump to linux the next year with the out of service of 10. Its hard because stop using adobe as graphic designer… I hope we have get real linux alternative at that moment.
The pokemon teraleak sayd the switch 2 its basically a switch with better spects. Thqts Also why nintendo are taking down the emulators of switch now. Will be very easy to pirate switch 2 day one with thouse emulators.
I think that lately people are taking refuge in things that made them happy in the past because not being able to see a clear future in their lives. Returning again and again to the things that made them happy in their day. And companies are only taking advantage of that. I’m not saying new thing don’t exist, I’m saying people are not willing to search them because they only want to escape to the past.
Idk, I see more people that they live is something like pokemon that actually they family, career or they own projects or dreams.