Stadia was successful. Everyone just hated on it for some reason. Didn’t get the playerbase so it was sold off. Was a fantastic service and I curse google daily
Ah of course. However I read recently that someone had the base gane and extra products but Bungie decided it wasn’t making enough money so removed the base game and has gone a different route. Removing the players items and game data.
So I’d highly recommend nobody touch destiny with a barge pole. Bad consumer practice. Would prefer if they disappear from the gaming industry
I just got access to dishonoured 2. But I recommend the first one. It’s a bit dated now but it was a good laugh. I like a bit of steampunk so it helps nicely.
Have finally. After about a year finished ac Valhalla origins and Odyssey. Manager to squeeze in onimusha the lady couple of days. I have AOE in the background but I should be playing dishonoured 2 as I have had it in my steam library for about 5 years and it’s now playable on GeForce now.
Once I get the motivation and time to play it I hopefully will get into it. Enjoyed the original but this just seems a bit dated, especially after finishing off ac origins.
After that I still have death stranding/ standing. It was a hard slog though
I’m playing out of sync. I did Valhalla Odyssey and now I’m playing through origin. I enjoyed a lot of Valhalla. I can see how they tweaked and polished from origins. I think I preferred the scenery in Odyssey and maybe the story and people. Valhalla had best fighting and slo mo. Graphics were outstanding and voice acting was pristine by Valhalla.